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Do I Belong? Reassuring Kids Adopted from Foster Care



Now that you’re out of the foster care system and have been adopted, your life is different, right? You and your family love each other, but you might also disagree sometimes. Some days are good, and some days are rough. And  whether you’ve been a part of your forever family for a few weeks or  several years, it’s completely natural to sometimes wonder . . .

Do I Belong?

You probably have memories from the past, and those memories might still affect you. You likely have questions and even confused feelings about your birth family, your time in foster care, and even your family now. Carey Koenig, along with two of her adopted children, Reid and Halley, wants you to know that being adopted is awesome! They also want to help answer your questions—questions like

Why did God create adoption?

Why was I adopted from foster care?

Is it okay if I get mad at my birth parents?

What if people make fun of me for being adopted?

You can read Do I Belong? by yourself or with your parents. You’ll hear from different kids—kids like you—who’ve been adopted from foster care. You’ll also learn that you are not alone!

About the Author

Since the adoptions of her three children, Carey Koenig has served as a speaker, volunteer, and passionate advocate for preborn children, adoption, and foster care.

Reid and Halley Koenig are high school students. Together with husband and father, Kurt, and younger brother, Benjamin, the Koenig family lives in North Carolina.


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Help even when they don’t ask.

Kids (and families) need help, even when they don’t reach out. Wherever God is calling you, you can get involved.

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