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Children-focused. Family-founded.

Family plays together at a park.

We help foster, adoptive, and kinship families thrive in Christ.

Wait No More™ is Focus on the Family’s foster and adoption ministry. What started as adoption recruiting events has matured into a reality beyond what we imagined.

Our whole-family approach considers all sides of these intense callings — providing free resources that are focused on more than a decision to adopt.

Everything we create encourages the daily walk of a foster or adoptive family and draws on 40+ years of state and ministry experience.

Just look at all these kids to love and encourage.

So many things pull at the fabric of family and it’s usually the child who bears the greatest burden. Together, we can change that.
Kids in
foster care
Experience mental
health issues
0 %
Average age a child
enters foster care

We believe in:

His love provides peace and a sense of permanence in our hearts. No matter what story God has for a child, we want them to experience this love.
God-given parents are given for a reason. If the connection is not severed, we always root for a child’s reunification with healthy and stable parents.
The needs of a child are intense. If you’re not healthy, you’re hurting — in your soul, heart, mind, or body. We advocate for child and caretaker wellness.
That’s right. We believe in you. When God gives you a heart for these children, it’s always with good reason. Stay in Him and He will do great works.

Love to learn?

The Wait No More™ website has articles, videos, insights, interviews, and more relevant content for every level of support. Wherever you fit, you’ll find a resource to love.

Our People


Dr. Sharen Ford

Dr. Sharen Ford is the director for Focus on the Family’s foster care and adoption efforts. In this role, she helps raise awareness of the need for adoptive families to provide loving and stable homes for the more than 100,000 waiting children in the U.S. foster care system.
Dr. Sharen Ford
Derek Carter
Manager, Foster Care and Adoption

Derek Carter

Derek Carter is the manager of Focus on the Family’s foster care and adoption program. Prior to coming on staff at Focus, he led worship for over 25 years as a music and worship pastor with a dual role of establishing a foster care and adoption ministry within the church.

Our friends

We’re thankful for the relationships of our partners, affiliates, and the many great minds at Focus on the Family. This work is too big for one team and too complex for a single approach.

Jim & Jean Daly's Story

Jim Daly is the president of Focus on the Family, but his early example of family was far from perfect. It’s pretty cool to have a leader who came from foster care. He and his wife, Jean, share a piece of their journey and their heart for children in foster care.

Jim Daly's personal story about foster care and adoption

Does your heart align with ours?

The Wait No More™ team makes it easy for like-minded people to come alongside. You can get involved in a lot of ways.

Young girl in foster care