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Wait No More Team

Contributions by Wait No More Team

support foster family by playing with kids in backyard

Foster & Adoptive Families Need Your LOVE

Do I Belong? Reassuring Kids Adopted from Foster Care

Jim Jean Daly

Jim and Jean Daly’s Foster Care Journey

Jim Daly, President of Focus on the Family, and his wife, Jean, share a piece of their journey…
The church is the answer image of man

The Church Is The Answer

The Church is the answer. We have a unique and significant opportunity to actively participate in adoption efforts….

The Foster & Adoptive Dads Panel (Part 1)

Our Dad Panel dives into the highs and lows of their individual journeys in foster care and adoption….

The Foster & Adoptive Dads Panel (Part 2)

Our Dad Panel dives into the highs and lows of their individual journeys in foster care and adoption….