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Foster & Adoptive Families Need Your LOVE

support foster family by playing with kids in backyard
Why Foster Care is a Pro-Life Issue

Why Foster Care is a Pro-Life Issue

Caring for Kids from Hard Places: How to Help Children and Teens with a Traumatic Past

Caring For Kids From Hard Places | The Power of Belief

In this video, Dr. David Schooler discusses the power of belief and how words & experiences shape our…

Caring For Kids From Hard Places | Am I Safe Here

In this session, Dr. David and Jayne Schooler speak about the impact of creating an environment of felt…

Caring For Kids From Hard Places | The Power of a Healing Connection

In this video, Jayne Schooler speaks to the negative reaction cycle and the power of a healing connection…
Stuck in Africa for 4 Years Our International Adoption Story

Stuck in Africa for Four Years: Our International Adoption Story

Cover National Foster Care Awareness Month

National Foster Care Awareness Month

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Time to put what you learned into practice.

You may not have read all articles on all topics, but this issue is as much about your heart as your brain.
Group of kids play and run through a park