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Hope & Healing for Sensory Deprivation
Many adoptive families struggle to understand some of the more challenging behaviors demonstrated by their kids. Sometimes, this is due to a lack of knowledge about sensory processing disorder (SPD) and how it impacts children. This booklet offers families guidance for identifying the signs of sensory processing disorder and provides solid advice for helping SPD-impacted children heal.
Preparing for a Transracial Placement
When considering transracial adoption, there are a number of questions that arise. “Do I know how to teach my child to interact with a world that will treat him differently because of the color of his skin?” “Am I prepared to help my child respond to the extra attention and curiosity that comes from others as we ‘stand out’ as a transracial family?” This thoughtful booklet was created to help parents think through questions like these, and to point out practical ways to find the answers.
Hope & Healing Through Animal-Assisted Therapy
Children with a history of trauma don’t always respond well to traditional “talk therapy.” For many of these children, animals can be the bridge, taking them from distress, disconnection and discouragement to a place of connection, restoration and healing.
Much like art, music or dance therapy, animal-assisted therapy engages children through their senses, rather than through words. For the child who is reluctant to talk to adults, an animal can be a great listener. Written by an expert in the areas of foster care and child trauma, this booklet introduces the idea of animal-assisted therapy for your child.
Attachment in Foster Care & Adoption
The parenting of children from hard places can be a challenge for many foster and adoptive parents – but there is hope for even the most complex situations. “Attachment in Foster Care & Adoption” gives adoptive and foster parents in-depth insights into why their child may have difficulty adapting to life in a new family – and gives them hope for success.
This positive and informative booklet will show you how your child has formed his or her current behavior and offers tips and resources for overcoming their past and building a bond that is rewarding for both you and your child.
El Amor y La Pérdida
El miedo y la incertidumbre que conlleva el cuidado de la crianza temporal y la adopción pueden hacer que muchas familias eviten perseguir lo que Dios les pide. El autor y padre adoptivo Johnston Moore desafía a las familias a examinar sus miedos y preocupaciones a la luz de las promesas de Dios mientras dan un paso de fe para recibir a niños vulnerables en sus hogares.
Hay muchas maneras diferentes de ministrar a las familias que han acogido a niños de crianza temporal en su hogar. Este folleto de Enfoque a la Familia deja en claro que las familias de crianza temporal o adoptivas que luchan necesitan que las familias de su iglesia las apoyen en tiempos de pruebas. Si bien las sugerencias de este folleto no pueden aplicarse a todas las situaciones, representan un “corazón” general de familias de crianza temporal y adoptivas que dieron la bienvenida a casa a un niño emocionalmente herido o con dificultades. El objetivo es brindar orientación práctica a las iglesias que buscan formas efectivas de apoyar a las familias.
Handbook on Thriving as an Adoptive Family
Adoption is a high calling from God, and the Christian home primary soil for planting seeds of faith. But how will post-adoption challenges affect this growth? Most agencies do a great job of connecting families with children who need a forever family. Not many prepare you for the unexpected issues—an adopted child fighting with his new siblings or not wanting to be touched or showing signs of reactive attachment disorder (RAD). The more you know, the more confident you will be to meet the unique needs of your adopted child and your entire family.
This distinctly Christian book will equip readers to be successful adoptive parents. Packed from cover to cover with information, advice, ideas, and resources, Handbook on Thriving as an Adoptive Family will inspire and inform parents committed to making adoption work. Handbook on Thriving as an Adoptive Family is the one parenting resource that provides comprehensive, topical, Bible-based solutions for the inevitable challenges after adoption.
Wait No More: One Family’s Amazing Adoption Journey
Kelly and John Rosati never expected to adopt four children from the U.S. foster care system. But God’s plan for them turned out to be even more extraordinary than they could have planned. Follow Kelly and John in their amazing journey through the child welfare system.
You’ll be inspired by the story of how God brought their family together, and challenged by their honest and revealing look at the desperate need of children still waiting for families. The Rosati’s story is one of hope amid challenges, beauty from ashes, and faith that sustains. It’s a beautiful picture of what family truly looks like.
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