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Sharing Love Abundantly: Threats to the Emotional Glue of a Marriage

Jolene Philo offers helpful insight for parents raising special needs children – especially through foster care and adoption.
Jolene Philo Special Needs Families Marriage

We’re honored to host Jolene Philo, a renowned author, and expert in the field of special needs families – especially parenting in foster care and adoption. Join us as she delves into the intricate topic of how fostering or adopting a child with special needs can impact a marriage. Get your copy of Sharing Love Abundantly in Special Needs Families.

00:00 Introduction

01:08 Dangers to Marriage

03:57 Love Languages

05:55 What’s Next

Next Video in this Series: Sharing Love Abundantly: An Introduction to the Love Languages


Foster parents and their foster child sit down with their caseworker, going through the questions to ask about their new foster child to make her feel comfortable.

Questions To Ask Your Caseworker

How to Give Grace in Difficult Situations

How To Give Grace in Difficult Situations

Help even when they don’t ask.

Kids (and families) need help, even when they don’t reach out. Wherever God is calling you, you can get involved.

Father and son play basketball